We started a journey together and would love to introduce ourselves. We are the Refab Gals! We have been friends for over 13 years and met by working together in the service industry. We have been through weddings and babies and so many of life’s ups and downs. We knew no matter what we did we would make a great team. Knowing for sure that we did not want to go back to the service industry, and longing to do something that would allow us to not only support our families, but also have flexibility/time to raise our children. 

We started on a whim, not knowing what direction we were going to go in. Experimenting with furniture reupholstery, woodworking, and clothing resale, we quickly made the shift into living room furniture resale. Hours and hours of dedication as new moms, working out the kinks and now specializing in leather restoration. We have grown to love and appreciate the furniture industry, and what we are able to do to reinvent, restore and recycle quality pieces of furniture has been so fulfilling! Offering quality furniture for a fraction of retail value to our clients with every budget in mind. We look forward to sharing our journey, our creations and our life with you all and appreciate your love and support!